The Definitive Guide to Relieving Sinus Problems

Sinuses are small passages located behind your nose, cheeks, forehead, and eyes. Mucus is produced in your sinuses to help in trapping germs. Your sinuses also help to warm and filter the air that you breathe, and they are partially responsible for the way that your voice sounds.

Bacteria, viruses, and allergens can sometimes cause your sinuses to produce excess mucus. This excess mucus can block the openings in your sinuses and allow bacteria and viruses to multiply in your sinus cavities, leading to an infection or sinusitis. So what can you do when pollen, other allergens, bacteria, or viruses regularly cause your sinuses problems? Read on to find out more.

Simple Treatment Methods for Sinusitis and Sinus Infections

About 95% of the time, sinusitis are caused by viral infections or the common cold. Unfortunately antibiotics will not have an effect on viral infections. The most effective ways to treat sinusitis are often the simplest and does not require prescription medication. For sinusitis, start by using a nasal steroid spray, such as Flonase.

Nasal steroid sprays will help to treat your sinusitis and over the counter medicines such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen, decongestants, or antihistamines will help to treat your symptoms. In addition to over the counter medicine, simple methods such as staying hydrated and rest will help to clear up a viral infection.

Preventing Sinus Infections

Okay, now that you know how to treat sinus infections, what about stopping them before they start? Try these prevention methods to limit your chances of developing a sinus infection.

  • Keep the air in your home or office at about 50%. In the winter, the air is dryer, so use a portable humidifier to keep the humidity where you like it.
  • Sinus infections usually follow a common cold, so avoid physical contact with other people that have colds.
  • Stop smoking tobacco products and avoid second-hand smoke as it can irritate your sinuses.
  • If you have allergies, visit an Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) or Allergy Specialist to determine what you allergies are and how best to treat or avoid them.

Sinus Surgery

The root cause of your sinus problems may actually be your sinuses themselves, specifically the structure and shape of your them. Conditions such as a deviated or torn septum, swollen sinus passages, or other malformations can cause recurring issues that require surgery to resolve. If you suffer from chronic sinus issues, your ENT specialist will help to diagnose and examine if you require surgery.

All information provided on this website is for information purposes only. Please see a healthcare professional for medical advice. If you are seeking this information in an emergency situation, please call 911 and seek emergency help.

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