Endoscopic Tumor and Skull Base Surgery
Endosocopic techniques are now used to approach diseases of the pituitary gland, nose and bottom of the brain (skull base) that previously required large facial incisions, significant discomfort and long hospital stays.
Drs. Dubin and Reh, working in conjunction with the Neurosurgeons at the Greater Baltimore Medical Center offer endososcopic approaches to many of these tumors.
Via the nostril, Drs. Dubin, Reh and Dr. Rami (Neurosurgery) can remove pituitary adenomas, benign nasal tumors (i.e. inverted papillomas), certain brain tumors (i.e. meningiomas) that only a few years ago would have been removed with large facial incisions. While not for all patients or all tumors, an endoscopic approach offers comparable outcome with SIGNIFICANTLY less discomfort and recovery time.
At present, there are few other medical centers in Baltimore offering this minimally invasive approach for these tumors. Drs. Dubin, Reh and Dr. Rami have the longest experience in Baltimore of any ENT/Neurosurgery team in performing these minimally invasive, purely endoscopic tumor resections.
Dr. Dubin and Dr. Rami are Co-Directors of the Minimally Invasive Pituitary and Anterior Skull Base Center at the Greater Baltimore Medical Center.
Click HERE to watch Dr. Dubin perform a resection of an inverted papilloma.
WARNING: This is a video of an actual surgery performed by Dr. Dubin.